Keep your fingers sharp - A Flight Simulator

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Keep your fingers sharp - A Flight Simulator

Unread post by saboo » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:41 am

There is a fairly good Flight Simulator program available. It is FREE as in no charge.

Created by Dr. Michael Selig of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Some of you will recognize his name as the designer of many low speed airfoils. He retired from full time teaching in 2017, but still works on favorite projects. FSOne was developed by Michael and some of his graduate students several years ago. The current release came out in 2022.

He also created the website which I have hosted on my servers for the past 15+ years. Most of the software he creates is on GitHub.

If you have an interest in aerodynamics, have a glance at the content on this site.

This page lists some of Dr. Selig's go to threads on RC Groups.
Nothing like the smell of electrons in the morning ;-)