Fusion 360 help

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Fusion 360 help

Unread post by the-mailman » Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:29 pm

Hi everyone. Another non-RC project I'm working on. I'm looking for some help with Fusion 360, although my idea may not be possible.

I've designed a circuit that I want to put on a copper board so I can etch it and remove the copper that is not part of the circuit. I've done this before by printing the circuit on a laser printer and then using an iron to transfer the ink to the board. This works fairly well, but I'd like to do it better.

With that said, I have designed a pen mount for my 3D printer and would like to use it to draw the circuit paths on the board that will not be etched away.

So far I have exported the circuit drawing shown below as a DXF since I did it in EasyEDA. I tried to design it in Fusion, but Fusion did not have all the components I used in its library and thus I did not have the footprints to design the board. Anyway, I created a sketch in Fusion and inserted the DXF, created the circuit traces and extruded it to 0.2 mm.
circuit.jpg (39.83 KiB) Viewed 1157 times
This shows the bottom of the board, but from the top so it would have to be mirrored to print correctly.

I've only ever used Fusion for 3D printing and I never done any CNC so this is new to me.

When I go into manufacture I can get it to trace the outline of the circuit paths, but not get it to fill them in. I sent the gcode created by this trace to my printer and it worked well on paper. Unfortunately, since it outlines the outside of the circuit paths it makes them too wide instead of colouring within the lines.

Is it possible to do this in Fusion 360 or is there another program that can?

I can do it on the 3D printer by creating an STL from my design and slicing it, but I will have to disable the extruder since Cura assumes it's a 3D print and adds extrusion commands to the file. I'd rather not do that.

Any help is appreciated.

I can send you the f3d file if that would help.

MAAC: 19887

I never crash, I just create exciting ways to meet the ground. After all, take-offs are desirable, landings are inevitable.