RPAs License Study Resources
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
RPAs License Study Resources
This thread will contain resources for those who may be preparing to write the TC Basic Exam. I will add to it as I discover more resources.
PLEASE feel free to reply with your own guides and information. You might wish to create a sub folder on your computer and store all these in one place for easy reference. Thanks to Kevin McKay for additional posts below.
The rules are quite dynamic. Some documents change frequently. To the best of my knowledge, these are current at the time of being posted.
#1) AIM or Aeronautical Information Manual. A beast of a document some 491 pages. We are mostly interested in pages 462 to 490. Too big to post here but current link is
https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/file ... cess_e.pdf
#2) The abbreviated version dealing with RPAs is AIM-2023-1_rpa-e.pdf . It is however missing a useful summary on page 428 of the full edition listed above. ATTACHED
#2) CARs or Canadian Aviation Regulations. A bit of light reading comprising over 1000 pages which is more cumbersome because the English and French versions are on the same page. So really a 500 page English document spread over 1075 pages of side by side English and French. It too is beyond the size available to post here.
The link is
https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/file ... cess_e.pdf
#3) A general Knowledge Guide for RPAs Pilots. Title: Nov-27-Rpas-101-EN Note already some of the information has been revised and updated in the last 5 months. This is a good general overview. ATTACHED
#4) TP-15263E.pdf. Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of RPAs. The 43 pages cover the requirements for Basic and Advanced Operations. If you find and learn all the areas in this document, you should pass the exam. Finding the information you need to know, to meet the requirements, is the hard part. ATTACHED
#5) Nav Canada Phraseology Guides. There are 4 versions, VFR, IFR, Ground Traffic and RNAV. The one you want is the VFR. All are too big to attach here so here is the page where you can download them. These are used in NOTAMs, in radio communication, and some correspondence and documents. Thanks Kevin, for reminding me.
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... uides.aspx
#6) Designated Airspace Handbook. This describes in a painfully detailed manner the areas where controlled airspace exists. In general these are NO FLY zones for RPAs. The information generally is outside of our needs. Knowing that the document exists may be a question on the exam. Having to know the boundaries of a given Designated Airspace is highly unlikely. Again the website size limit prevents adding as an attachment. So this is the link;
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... uides.aspx
#7) The self paced recurrency course is a good example of the questions that may be on the test for RPAS Basic. ATTACHED
#8) The above test refers to the following document Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Personnel. Why such questions are on an exam for flying model airplanes is not very clear, but the information could be asked on the test as it is the required self paced recurrency review. ATTACHED
#9) Aeronautical Information Publications are updates published approximately every 59 days. The link is
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... anada.aspx
The Aerodromes publication is attached. The other 2 are above the size limit. 1 ATTACHED
Jim Haliburton
PLEASE feel free to reply with your own guides and information. You might wish to create a sub folder on your computer and store all these in one place for easy reference. Thanks to Kevin McKay for additional posts below.
The rules are quite dynamic. Some documents change frequently. To the best of my knowledge, these are current at the time of being posted.
#1) AIM or Aeronautical Information Manual. A beast of a document some 491 pages. We are mostly interested in pages 462 to 490. Too big to post here but current link is
https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/file ... cess_e.pdf
#2) The abbreviated version dealing with RPAs is AIM-2023-1_rpa-e.pdf . It is however missing a useful summary on page 428 of the full edition listed above. ATTACHED
#2) CARs or Canadian Aviation Regulations. A bit of light reading comprising over 1000 pages which is more cumbersome because the English and French versions are on the same page. So really a 500 page English document spread over 1075 pages of side by side English and French. It too is beyond the size available to post here.
The link is
https://tc.canada.ca/sites/default/file ... cess_e.pdf
#3) A general Knowledge Guide for RPAs Pilots. Title: Nov-27-Rpas-101-EN Note already some of the information has been revised and updated in the last 5 months. This is a good general overview. ATTACHED
#4) TP-15263E.pdf. Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of RPAs. The 43 pages cover the requirements for Basic and Advanced Operations. If you find and learn all the areas in this document, you should pass the exam. Finding the information you need to know, to meet the requirements, is the hard part. ATTACHED
#5) Nav Canada Phraseology Guides. There are 4 versions, VFR, IFR, Ground Traffic and RNAV. The one you want is the VFR. All are too big to attach here so here is the page where you can download them. These are used in NOTAMs, in radio communication, and some correspondence and documents. Thanks Kevin, for reminding me.
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... uides.aspx
#6) Designated Airspace Handbook. This describes in a painfully detailed manner the areas where controlled airspace exists. In general these are NO FLY zones for RPAs. The information generally is outside of our needs. Knowing that the document exists may be a question on the exam. Having to know the boundaries of a given Designated Airspace is highly unlikely. Again the website size limit prevents adding as an attachment. So this is the link;
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... uides.aspx
#7) The self paced recurrency course is a good example of the questions that may be on the test for RPAS Basic. ATTACHED
#8) The above test refers to the following document Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Personnel. Why such questions are on an exam for flying model airplanes is not very clear, but the information could be asked on the test as it is the required self paced recurrency review. ATTACHED
#9) Aeronautical Information Publications are updates published approximately every 59 days. The link is
https://www.navcanada.ca/en/aeronautica ... anada.aspx
The Aerodromes publication is attached. The other 2 are above the size limit. 1 ATTACHED
Jim Haliburton
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Last edited by saboo on Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:50 am, edited 7 times in total.
Nothing like the smell of electrons in the morning 

- Posts: 78
- Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:33 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
I had a question on the test that referred to sectional charts so here is a reference for some light reading. Take note of what a deactivated airport symbol is!!
The secret of flight is to aim at the ground and MISS
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:33 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
FYI Note that AIM 2023-1 was just released (updated) on 23 March and there has been updates in regards to RPAS , I don't know if they would be reflected on any test yet.
The secret of flight is to aim at the ground and MISS
- Posts: 78
- Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:33 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
Another reference
know your Phonetic Alphabet as I had a question with the answer using it.
NavCanada-VFR-Phraseology.pdf located here:
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q ... 7pcAgXAnQM
know your Phonetic Alphabet as I had a question with the answer using it.
NavCanada-VFR-Phraseology.pdf located here:
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q ... 7pcAgXAnQM
The secret of flight is to aim at the ground and MISS
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
These suggested study materials are still valid. Now is the time to start preparing for 2024 flying season.
With new flying areas likely being available this year, it is important to prepare in advance. Many people locally have studied and taken the TC test and almost all have passed on their first try. It is about the same as studying for your drivers license.
If you haven't registered for a TC account you are permitted to do that well in advance of writing the test. You do NOT need to use the government security system. You can use the alternative verification partners, such as most banks.
Do write down carefully the username and passwords that you setup. Keep them in a secure place where you can find them when needed
If you have a desktop and a laptop computer, download all the materials to a common folder on one or the other. Plan to use the computer with the documents as the resource to look up information. Use the other computer to take the test. I strongly suggest that you do not use a phone or tablet to take the test.
One method suggested is to read through all the exam questions first. Then the 2nd time through answer the questions you are sure you know the correct answer. Then the next step is to start going through the remaining questions while researching for the information needed on the computer with the documents.
Best of all is to start reading through the information. The sooner you start and the more times you read it, it will be easier to understand the questions. Understanding the question, and watching for trick wording, makes it a lot easier to give the correct answer.
When you complete and pass the test download and save the certificate. Then print it out at your leisure or get someone to print it for you. It may be asked for at a flying site. If nothing else it is a mark of success and worth having.
Best of success.
With new flying areas likely being available this year, it is important to prepare in advance. Many people locally have studied and taken the TC test and almost all have passed on their first try. It is about the same as studying for your drivers license.
If you haven't registered for a TC account you are permitted to do that well in advance of writing the test. You do NOT need to use the government security system. You can use the alternative verification partners, such as most banks.
Do write down carefully the username and passwords that you setup. Keep them in a secure place where you can find them when needed
If you have a desktop and a laptop computer, download all the materials to a common folder on one or the other. Plan to use the computer with the documents as the resource to look up information. Use the other computer to take the test. I strongly suggest that you do not use a phone or tablet to take the test.
One method suggested is to read through all the exam questions first. Then the 2nd time through answer the questions you are sure you know the correct answer. Then the next step is to start going through the remaining questions while researching for the information needed on the computer with the documents.
Best of all is to start reading through the information. The sooner you start and the more times you read it, it will be easier to understand the questions. Understanding the question, and watching for trick wording, makes it a lot easier to give the correct answer.
When you complete and pass the test download and save the certificate. Then print it out at your leisure or get someone to print it for you. It may be asked for at a flying site. If nothing else it is a mark of success and worth having.
Best of success.
Nothing like the smell of electrons in the morning 

- Posts: 78
- Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 6:33 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
In the military I finished my career in 406 Sqn School house and I always told students ....read all of the question and ALL the answers then pick the one that is most correct. The questions are multiple guess! If you are not sure skip the question (noting its number on a spare sheet of paper) and carry on to the next question. Since the test is timed you need to answer as many questions as possible and leave the unknown ones for last. once you have gone thru all the questions, use your remaining time to go and search for the answer(s) of the questions you skipped. 99.9 % of the time you will pass and sometimes finish with time remaining. WHATEVER you do don't change an answer unless you have searched the question and verified your first pick was wrong. most times your first instinct is correct!
Relax, don't rush and make sure you have studied the material and know how to search the material during the test....yes it is an "open book " exam. all reference material you can use during the test! Having two computers is best so you use one for searches and one for the test.
I finished with 1/2 the allotted time remaining and wasn't aiming for 100%, just more than the pass mark!
One last point ANSWER EVERY QUESTION. a guess is better than a non-answer and may just be correct! The test will prompt you if you have unanswered questions.
Relax, don't rush and make sure you have studied the material and know how to search the material during the test....yes it is an "open book " exam. all reference material you can use during the test! Having two computers is best so you use one for searches and one for the test.
I finished with 1/2 the allotted time remaining and wasn't aiming for 100%, just more than the pass mark!
One last point ANSWER EVERY QUESTION. a guess is better than a non-answer and may just be correct! The test will prompt you if you have unanswered questions.
The secret of flight is to aim at the ground and MISS
- Posts: 597
- Joined: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
Re: RPAs License Study Resources
See the General Discussions section for the 2024 Aeronautical Information Manual links.
Nothing like the smell of electrons in the morning