Short-term membership opportunity with BBFA

News related to Halifax Electric Flyers Association only.
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:17 pm

Short-term membership opportunity with BBFA

Unread post by chodgkinson » Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:55 pm

SMAS members,

BBFA has graciously offered SMAS members an opportunity to fly at their field in Beaver Bank while we wait for the ASRCM field to return to normal operations. Attached is a special short term membership application that will need to be completed. The fee to our members for this membership is $20. The membership will be good until the end of August. Instructions to complete the form can be found on page 2.

BBFA is non-MAAC club but you still must have one of the TC RPAS certifications to fly there. Your MAAC insurance will not be valid while flying at this site however you will be covered by BBFA's insurance policy that provides you with $5 million in liability coverage.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

SPECIAL 2024 Membership Form.pdf
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