
New to Halifax Electric Flyers? Let us know a little about you.
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Unread post by DoverSail » Fri May 15, 2020 9:07 am

Hello everyone,

I am returning to the hobby after several years of doing other things (school, work, amateur radio). I live in East Dover, and I am a ham radio operator and electrical engineer.

I got started in model aircraft when I was quite young, when I bought an old Sig Kadet LT40 nitro plane and flew with the Chatham Ontario Aeronauts. After I went away to university, I couldn't fly the Sig anymore, so I got a little Sport Cub S 4-channel and doodles around local parks to satisfy my love for flight.

I recently met up with a sailplane enthusiast and bought a lovely Spectra with a brushless motor; my first proper electric. I am set up on 72MHz channel 33 (my Sig gear) and have my MAAC number. I am very interested in learning how to soar.

I look forward to meeting up with the club as soon as they re-start their new member intake operations. I would describe myself as beginner-intermediate (but totally new with sailplanes) and I am happy to go through whatever training programme is deemed necessary.

Here's hoping things get back to some form of normal soon!

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Re: Introduction

Unread post by bdg » Fri May 15, 2020 6:17 pm

It's great that you've found us! And welcome back to the hobby. Quite a lot has changed since you've last flown. Pretty much everyone is on a 2.4GHz transmitter. I've seen a very occasional 72MHz but absolutely not common. The newer radios have so many features that might not be available on your existing radio system. Certainly electric planes have also come a long way too - especially with new lighter and higher density battery technologies. And stabilized systems help to self-level a plane if selected and help in gusty conditions.

Gliding is an experience all by itself. Long flights are very possible with the right conditions. We do have a Radian trainer but unfortunately training has been curtailed for at least the short term. Tougher to maintain the required distancing during instruction. Just getting stick time is a good thing and I would absolutely recommend the purchase of a good flight simulator - I believe that RealFlight is the current version that is commercially available. USB interface units can be purchased to connect your normal 2.4 GHz Spekrum radio to your computer but in this case you would need to consider other options. A good trainer is quite realistic and will absolutely help to refresh your fingers!!

It's also great that you've registered with MAAC. That provides insurance and a link to our national organization who work tirelessly with Transport Canada and ultimately what allows us to fly.

Hope to see you when all of this settles down.


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